I used these routines for hundreds of women laugh and laugh as the girls from school literally.

And I mean all kinds of women. University students, strippers, lawyers,
waitresses and even a famous Australian actress (and no, I did not reveal that he was, so do not ask).
These "funny" routines are that 95% of women laugh. May at first seem "stupid" you. But I encourage you to go out and try them. You will be amazed.
And you willing to learn from my two routines "funny?" Favorites
The handshake "NEW YORK"
This is one of my personal favorites:-)
(Side Note: I've never been to New York and do not know how the people of New York shake hands ..
For all I know, New Yorkers do not even shake hands, but choose to hit each other instead.
Can anyone confirm this for me? Thank you)
YOU: (shake hands)
"Have you ever been to New York?"
She: "No"
YOU: Ok I have a friend in New York, and she showed me how to hold hands around.
And it goes something like this ...
(Go to teach Shake Hands or funny ghetto. It could be that he did with his friends in high school or one of his little sister taught him. Anyway, do a shake long and ridiculous hand).
HER: "Hahaha"
YOU: "Apparently it's moved up the hand if you're a gangster Oooh, I knew you were a tyrant."
So why do I love this hand movement?
Well there are several reasons. First, is transmitted to have women in my life (it was a woman who taught me the movement of the hand). On the other hand, proves that I'm a guy who does not take himself too seriously.
I'm not that easy! BUY me flowers!
OK, here's another "fun routine" I love.
(Side Note: This is not really a "routine" for example, but a fantastic way to meet any
woman who shows the slightest interest to you. As touching the arm or supplement you).
Her: "Hey, I like your jacket"
YOU: "Hey, I'm not as easy as buying expensive jewelry, Prada shoes and roses before going to sleep with you, I am not a piece of meat, I also have feelings?.! "
Try saying the above sentence with a voice of Paris Hilton. The most dramatic diva
you seem - Most women will laugh.
In fact, women think you're hilarious!
Why? First, because you are passing by a woman maintainace height. And second, you turn the tables and implying that she was hitting on YOU.
Pure comedy gold!
Go there and give these a test routines. They worked for me several times and I'm sure it will work for you too:-)
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